Thursday 18 December 2014

Hour of Code

Well, what a busy few weeks we've had...the same as every other classroom I guess! The usual Christmas concert practice and performances, Christmas parties, card and calendar making and generally tying up loose ends before the end of term. In amongst the madness of the concert practices and performances, somehow, we managed to find calm...thank you Hour of Code!!

So, in September I made the move from Year 6 to Year 3/4. Immediately, I exposed them to more uses of iPads and IT than they had the previous year and, probably the biggest success yet, introduced them to programming and coding. They're hooked! Firstly, they found a love through apps on the iPads. Subsequently, the Hour of Code came along and worked it's magic! The improvement in logical thinking, sequences of codes and general understanding of imputing commands has been superb!

Some of the children hadn't had the opportunity to work with this element of IT yet have picked up the idea rapidly. The group have completed the 10 levels of 'Flappy Bird', have worked through the 'Frozen' section and  absolutely love the 'Angry Birds' problems. 


They are also eager to get started on other software packages such as 'Kodu' and 'Scratch'. Any free time they have they want to spend coding!!! Now the challenge is to find time to regularly allow children to continue developing these important skills!! Scratch is definitely a candidate to use as a coding club. With such great lesson plans available, the Year 6 Digital Leaders would thrive on delivering it. Time within the classroom is the issue though and how to cover everything. This is for another day and another blog entry.

For now. I'd like to say thank you Hour of Code and a huge well done to the children. Long may your enthusiasm and improvements continue!!

One of my very few posts, 

Mr Stone

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Year 3 and 4 Christmas concert

Magical Christmas Jigsaw

Last week was a very busy but very exciting was Christmas concert week! Ours was called The Magical Christmas Jigsaw. There were lots of things happening like other concerts that were amazing. Overall we had great fun and had great help! Everyone who took were superb and we even had some children who had to take over others' roles due to them being away. We worked tremendously hard.
The Magical Christmas Jigsaw was all about 5 children who were given a jigsaw from a very kind toy seller.  The jigsaw told the story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem. The 5 children were Meg, Eve, Beth, Tom and Joe. The toy seller was actually a gold angel that guided the children through the story, stopping off at important events of the Nativity along the way. The songs throughout the concert were short and snappy! We loved them. Our favourite songs were Herod and Now a Story has been Told.