Wednesday 17 December 2014

Year 3 and 4 Christmas concert

Magical Christmas Jigsaw

Last week was a very busy but very exciting was Christmas concert week! Ours was called The Magical Christmas Jigsaw. There were lots of things happening like other concerts that were amazing. Overall we had great fun and had great help! Everyone who took were superb and we even had some children who had to take over others' roles due to them being away. We worked tremendously hard.
The Magical Christmas Jigsaw was all about 5 children who were given a jigsaw from a very kind toy seller.  The jigsaw told the story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem. The 5 children were Meg, Eve, Beth, Tom and Joe. The toy seller was actually a gold angel that guided the children through the story, stopping off at important events of the Nativity along the way. The songs throughout the concert were short and snappy! We loved them. Our favourite songs were Herod and Now a Story has been Told.

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